Paeds Department
We take a holistic approach in treating every pediatric patient. This means that the best minds are thinking and collaborating about your child’s care to ensure that we are offering the best solutions not just for the situation at hand, but also for your child’s future.
We know that a child’s illness can impact the entire family — our staff is dedicated to patient-centered care that extends to easing concerns of parents, caregivers, and siblings.
Facilities: the pediatric has the following facilities:
- 10 incubators
- 3 examination/resuscitation warmers
- 3 ventilators
- 10 cardio-respiratory monitors
- 3 Phototherapy Units
- Central oxygen supply
- Central air supply
- Echocardiography machine
Our services include:
- Treatment of all newborn diseases including sepsis, Jaundice, Meningitis,
meconium aspiration, respiratory distress syndrome including surfactant
therapy, exchange transfusions and phototherapy. - we perform newborn resuscitation in operating / labor room when needed.
- Indoor emergency USG and Echo.
Dr. Sheikh Muhammad Ibrahim
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus.
Dr Samra Farid
Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus.
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